Research Link 470
Political and societal influences on vulnerability to heat stress

The aim of this Research Link is the identification of political and societal influences on vulnerability to heat stress by extraction of key influential factors and the coupling of qualitative and quantitative information and methods to analyze options for promising governance constellations to tackle heat stress.

Expected Results: Identification of key variables and relationships for the studied constellation and development of scenarios with different parameter combinations and variable values. Identification of promotive and constraining constellations to minimize the risk of heat stress and conflicts of mitigation and adaption policies will be pointed out. Integration into whole Research Unit "UCaHS": By providing spatially explicit as well as theoretical planning framework for improved decision-making.

Involved sub-projects

RM 3.2 "Urban Vulnerability"
RM 5.1 "Constellations"

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Quick Contact

Prof. Dr. Dieter Scherer (TUB)
Prof. Dr. Tobia Lakes (HUB)
Dr. Ute Fehrenbach (TUB)
Dr. Fred Meier (TUB)


Map of our observations:

UCaHS Observation Network
Latest Publication:
Donner, J., Sprondel, N. F. and J. Köppel (2017): Climate Change Adaptation to Heat Risk at the Local Level: A Bayesian Network Analysis of Local Land-Use Plan Implementation. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (2).
Follow-on projects:
Heat waves in Berlin, Germany – Urban climate modifications

BMBF Programme Urban Climate Under Change

Urban Vertical Green 2.0