
Donner, J., Sprondel, N. F. and J. Köppel (2017): Climate Change Adaptation to Heat Risk at the Local Level: A Bayesian Network Analysis of Local Land-Use Plan Implementation. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management , 19 (2), 29 pp. Link

Schuster, C., Honold, J., Lauf, S. and T. Lakes (2017): Urban heat stress: novel survey suggests health and fitness as future avenue for research and adaptation strategies. Environmental Research Letters, 12 (4). Link

Buchin, O., Jänicke, B., Meier, F., Scherer, D. and F. Ziegler (2016): The role of building models in the evaluation of heat-related risks. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 963-976. Link

Grossman-Clarke, S., Schubert, S. and D. Fenner (2016): Urban effects on summertime air temperature in Germany under climate change. International Journal of Climatology, 37 (2), 905-917. Link

Hölscher, M.-T., Nehls, T., Jänicke, B. and G. Wessolek (2016): Quantifying cooling effects of facade greening: shading, transpiration and insulation. Energy and Buildings, 114, 283–290. Link

Jänicke, B., F. Meier, D. Fenner, U. Fehrenbach, A. Holtmann, D. Scherer (2016): Urban-rural differences in near-surface air temperature as resolved by the Central Europe Refined analysis (CER): sensitivity to planetary boundary layer schemes and urban canopy models. International Journal of Climatology, 37 (4), 2063-2079. Link

Jänicke, B., Meier, F., Lindberg, F., Schubert, S. and D. Scherer (2016): Towards city-wide, building-resolving analysis of mean radiant temperature. Urban Climate, 15, 83-98. Link

Mahlkow, N. and J. Donner (2016): From Planning to Implementation? The Role of Climate Change Adaptation Plans to Tackle Heat Stress. A Case Study of Berlin, Germany. Journal of Planning Education and Research , 37 (4), 385-396. Link

Mahlkow, N., Lakes, T., Donner, J., Köppel, J. and M. Schreurs (2016): Developing storylines for urban climate governance by using constellation analysis - insights from a case study in Berlin, Germany. Urban Climate, 17, 266-283. Link

Ward, K., Lauf, S., Kleinschmit, B. and W. Endlicher (2016): Heat waves and urban heat islands in Europe: A review of relevant drivers. Science of the Total Environment, 569-570, 527-539. Link

Buchin, O., Hoelscher, M.-T., Meier, F., Nehls, T. and F. Ziegler (2015): Evaluation of the health-risk reduction potential of countermeasures to urban heat islands. Energy and Buildings, 114, 27-37. Link

Burkart, K., Meier, F., Schneider, A., Breitner, S., Canário, P., Alcoforado, M. J., Scherer, D. and W. Endlicher (2015): Modification of Heat-Related Mortality in an Elderly Urban Population by Vegetation (Urban Green) and Proximity to Water (Urban Blue): Evidence from Lisbon, Portugal. Environmental Health Perspectives, 124, 1–35. Link

Donner, J., Müller, J.M. and J. Köppel (2015): Urban heat - towards adapted German cities? Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 17(2), 17pp. Link

Gerstengarbe, F.-W., Hoffmann, P., Österle, H. and P. C. Werner (2015): Ensemble simulations for the RCP8.5-Scenario for Germany. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 24(2), 147-156. Link

Jänicke, B., Meier, F., Hölscher, M.-T. and D. Scherer (2015): Evaluating the Effects of Façade Greening on Human Bioclimate in a Complex Urban Environment. Advances in Meteorology, 2015, Article ID 747259, 15pp. Link

Nehls, T., Menzel, M. and G. Wessolek (2015): Depression storage capacities of different ideal pavements as quantified by a terrestrial laser scanning-based method. Water Science Technology , 71 (6), 862-869. Link

Walikewitz, N., Jänicke, B., Langner, M. and W. Endlicher (2015): Assessment of indoor heat stress variability in summer and during heat warnings: A case study using the UTCI in Berlin, Germany. International Journal of Biometeorology, 62 (1), 1–14. Link

Walikewitz, N., Jänicke, B., Langner, M., Meier, F. and W. Endlicher (2015): The difference between the mean radiant temperature and the air temperature within indoor environments: A case study during summer conditions. Building and Environment, 84, 151-161. Link

Yi, C., Kim, K. R., An, S. M., Choi, Y.-J., Holtmann, A., Jänicke, B., Fehrenbach, U. and D. Scherer (2015): Estimating spatial patterns of air temperature at building-resolving spatial resolution in Seoul, Korea. International Journal of Climatology, 36 (2), 533-549. Link

Buchin, O., Jänicke, B., Meier, F., Scherer, D. and F. Ziegler (2014): The role of building models in the evaluation of heat-related risks. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2(12), 7621–7650. Link

Dugord, P.-A., Lauf, S., Schuster, C. and B. Kleinschmit (2014): Land use patterns, temperature distribution, and potential heat stress risk – The case study Berlin, Germany. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 48, 86–98. Link

Fenner, D., Meier, F., Scherer, D. and A. Polze (2014): Spatial and temporal air temperature variability in Berlin, Germany, during the years 2001-2010. Urban Climate 10 (2), 308–331. Link

Grossman-Clarke, S., Schubert, S., Clarke, T. A. and S. L. Harlan (2014): Extreme summer heat in Phoenix, Arizona (USA) under global climate change (2041-2070). DIE ERDE, 145 (1), 49–61. Link

Jehn, M., Gebhardt, A., Liebers, U., Kiran, B., Scherer, D., Endlicher, W. and C. Witt (2014): Heat Stress is Associated with Reduced Health Status in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Prospective Study Cohort. Lung, 192 (4), 619-624. Link

Jehn, M. and C. Witt (2014): Telemedizin als Tool zur Erfassung von Umwelteinflüssen bei Patienten mit Lungenerkrankungen. Der Pneumologe, 3. Link

Kim, K. R., Yi, C., Lee, J.-S., Meier, F., Jänicke, B., Fehrenbach, U. and D. Scherer (2014): BioCAS: Biometeorological Climate impact Assessment System for building-scale impact assessment of heat-stress related mortality. DIE ERDE, 145 (1), 62–79. Link

Lauf, S., Haase, D. and B. Kleinschmit (2014): Linkages between ecosystem services provisioning, urban growth and shrinkage – A modeling approach assessing ecosystem service trade-offs. Ecological Indicators, 42, 73-94. Link

Nehls, T., Schwartz, C., Kye-Hoon Kim, J., Kaupenjohann, M., Wessolek, G. and J.-L. Morel (2014): Phyto-P-Mining - secondary urban green recycles phosphorus from soils constructed of urban wastes. Journal Soil and Sediments, 15, 1667-1674. Link

Peters, A., Nehls, T., Schonsky, H. and G. Wessolek (2014): Separating precipitation and evapotranspiration from noise – a new filter routine for high-resolution lysimeter data. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 1189–1198. Link

Scherer, D. and W. Endlicher (2013+2014): Special Issue: Urban climate and heat-stress. Part 1+2. DIE ERDE, 144+145, Link Part 1, Link Part 2

Schubert, S. and S. Grossman-Clarke (2014): Evaluation of the coupled COSMO-CLM/DCEP model with observations from BUBBLE. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society., 140 (685), October 2014 Part B, 2465-2483. Link

Schuster, C., Burkart, K. and T. Lakes (2014): Heat mortality in Berlin – Spatial variability at the neighborhood scale. Urban Climate, 10 (1), 134-147. Link

Eum, J.-H., Scherer, D., Fehrenbach, U., Köppel, J. and J.-H. Woo (2013): Integrating urban climate into urban master plans using spatially distributed information. Land Use Policy, 34, 223–232. Link

Jehn, M., Schindler, C., Meyer, A., Tamm, M., Koehler, F., Witt, C., Schmidt-Trucksäss, A. and D. Stolz (2013): Associations of daily walking activity with biomarkers related to cardiac distress in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration, 85 (3), 195-202. Link

Jehn, M., Donaldson, G., Kiran, B., Liebers, U., Mueller, K., Scherer, D., Endlicher, W. and C. Witt (2013): Tele-monitoring reduces exacerbation of COPD in the context of climate change - a randomized controlled trial. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 12 (1), 99. Link

Scherer, D., Fehrenbach, U., Lakes, T., Lauf, S., Meier, F. and C. Schuster (2013): Quantification of heat-stress related mortality hazard, vulnerability and risk in Berlin, Germany. – DIE ERDE 144 (3-4), 238-259. Link

Schubert, S. and S. Grossman-Clarke (2013): The Influence of Green Areas and Roof Albedos on Air Temperatures during Extreme Heat Events in Berlin, Germany. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 22 (2), 131-143. Link

Sonstige Publikationen

Von Sprondel, N., Donner, J. and J. Köppel (2016): Urbaner Hitzestress: Wie wahrscheinlich ist die Implementierung von Klima-Anpassungsmaßnahmen in der Bebauungsplanung? Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 10-2016.


French, Frank (2016): Heat-stress hazards on playgrounds and sport fields? Spatio-temporal variability of mean radiant temperature in a Berlin neighbourhood during summer 2010. Chair of Climatology, TUB.

Becker, Cornelia (2015): Association between health status and extreme heat effects: a cross-sectional study in Berlin. Department of Geography, HUB in cooperation with the Berlin School of Public Health, Charité.

Holtmann, Achim (2015): Heat-stress-related mortality in Seoul, Korea: Quantification of intraurban variability of hazard, vulnerability and risk. Chair of Climatology, TUB.

Dugord, Pierre-Adrien (2014): Assessing the influence of land use Patterns on urban climate and city dwellers vulnerability toward heat stress. Chair of Geoinformation in Environmental Planning, TUB.

Fenner, Daniel (2014): Evaluation of two gridded atmospheric data sets with respect to heat-related mortality in Berlin, Germany, during 2001-2010. Chair of Climatology, TUB.

Khosroshahi, Foad (2014): Heat symptoms and perception to heat stress among adults in Berlin: a pilot study to identify determinants of heat stress on health. Department of Geography, HUB in cooperation with the Department of Public Health, Bielefeld University.

Jänicke, Britta (2013): Modeling the effects of seasonal variations of vegetation on near-surface atmospheric conditions in Seoul, South Korea. Chair of Climatology, TUB.

Philips, Andrea (2013): Empirical modelling of heat stress risk in Berlin. Department of Geography, HUB in cooperation with RM 1.1 at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

Wallis, Christine (2013): Mining urban data: Exploring neighborhood characteristics and healt-hrelated patterns in Berlin, Germany. Department of Geography, HUB.


Dudek, Robert (2015): Assessing Environmental Justice in Berlin on the micro-scale using survey data and GIS techniques. Department of Geography, HUB.

Schuster, Phillip (2015): Vulnerability to urban heat: from the individual level to an area-wide index assessing socioeconomic and environmental factors. Department of Geography, HUB.

Laubenstein, Tristan (2014): Klimainformationssysteme für die Umwelt- und Raumplanung in Deutschland - Anforderungen an ein digitales Klimainformationssystem am Beispiel der Metropolregion Hamburg Environmental Assessment & Planning Research Group, TUB.

Petersen, Saskia (2014): Beyond the Walkability concept - learning from self-reported individual mobility and health in Berlin. Department of Geography, HUB in cooperation with the Institute of Regional Development Planning, Stuttgart University.

Holst, Ina (2013): Analyse und Bewertung von Fassadenbegrünung in Berlin Wedding. Chair of soil protection, TUB.

Jache, Jessica (2013): Auswirkungen von Wärmebelastung auf Rettungsdiensteinsätze in Berlin, 2001-2005. Department of Geography, HUB in cooperation with RM 2.1.

Krug, Alexander (2013): Thermischer Komfort in einer Straßenschlucht - Der Einfluss von Bäumen in Abhängigkeit ihres Alters. Chair of Climatology, TUB.

Sulerz, Miriam (2013): Freilanduntersuchungen zur Verdunstung horizontaler und vertikaler Flächen. Chair of soil protection, TUB.


Prof. Dr. Dieter Scherer (TUB)
Prof. Dr. Tobia Lakes (HUB)
Dr. Ute Fehrenbach (TUB)
Dr. Fred Meier (TUB)


Übersicht über das UCaHS-Messnetz:

UCaHS Observation Network
Neueste Publikationen:
Donner, J., Sprondel, N. F. and J. Köppel (2017): Climate Change Adaptation to Heat Risk at the Local Level: A Bayesian Network Analysis of Local Land-Use Plan Implementation. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19 (2).
Nachfolgende Projekte:

Hitzewellen in Berlin, Deutschland - Stadtmodifikationen

BMBF-Fördermaßnahme Stadtklima im Wandel

Urban Vertical Green 2.0